Sour Garden - The Tea Table

Wanna know about me?

My name is Gav Sour. I'm an anthropomorphic lizard with a beard, standing 3 feet, 2 inches. I live in Wintergreen City, connecting to Lake Sound and onwards. I am in a loving relationship with my boyfriend.

I enjoy horror on a range from gothic to eldritch, candies on a scale of delicately sweet to intensely sour, and personal time in the lines of isolation and gameshow host.

I am an amateur writer, a decent artist, a board game hobbyist, a stop-motion enthusiast, a registered Horticulturist for the Pacific Northwest, and an aspiring villain.

In Don't Starve I main Wortox and Wanda, in Video Horror Society I main Jess and Deathwire, in Splatoon I main Nautilus 47, in Magic the Gathering I'm an Urtet and Urabrask commander.
I am good at none of these games.

I have approximately 130 individual unique characters that I have been developing for years. I will not talk about any of them without bringing out a complex graph of their relationships.

Feel free to give me a tip if you want to.